Hi, I'm Jayex Designs

I'm a full stack developer and graphic designer

This is my portfolio where you will be able to find my projects, details about me and contact information


Solar System Web Simulation

This is a JavaScript and ThreeJS project

A physics web simulation where you can create, modify and manage your own solar systems

You can set the initial position, velocity, mass, radius, color and more of every planet, also you can edit each planet's attributes and the general settings of the simulation

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Socket Chat

This is a Backend and Frontend JavaScript project

Chat with anybody connected to the backend through a smooth UI

I used Express and Socket IO for the backend communication and React, Material UI and Socket IO for the frontend, by cloning the repository you can create and modify your own version of the chat

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Twitch Subathon Countdown

These are JavaScript projects

I made some custom Twitch "subathon" counters for different content creators like LittleRagerGirl, BersGamer, Alexelcapo, SugusSusana and SoyDubi

A Twitch subathon countdown is just a timer that will increase if someone subscribes or donates to the streamer's channel and if the timer hits 0 the stream ends. The timers I made have connections with Twitch, Streamlabs, StreamElements and even Streamloots which does not have a public event API so I had to reverse engineer their alert system


A* Algorithm Visualizer

This is a JavaScript project

A* is a pathfinding algorithm used on graphs and grids

I made a visualizer to see how it calculates and creates the path between two points, you can change the grid in any way you want to see the different paths it generates

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Logic Gates Simulator

This is a JavaScript project

Our current computers, phones, TV... Are made with hundreds of logic gates

In this simulator, you'll be able to create your own circuit, test the power of the two basic logic gates "AND" and "NOT" and build the rest of them

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Something Went Wrong


This is a JavaScript project

I made a simple social media for a math class

Using D3.js and websockets I made a way to visualize the connections of my social media in real time, all the users connected to the server are displayed in a graph showing also their usernames and the other users they have added, also the users have a chat and a list of other users they can be friends with


Particles Background

This is a JavaScript project

In this animation, some random moving particles will connect with each other

The properties of the animation can be changed so you can have it fully customized, it also can be added to OBS as a background or even add it to Wallpaper Engine where it got approved by the developers

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Sorting Algorithm Visualizer

This is a JavaScript project

Sorting elements is not as easy as some people may think

There are lots of sorting algorithms, with this project you can see a visual representation of some of the most popular sorting algorithms, you can also see how efficient they are

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Free Games Notifier

This is a Python project

Sometimes it gets hard to look on every games store to see if there are any free games

That's why I made a free games notifier where through a simple UI you can see a list of all the current free games available, to get the free games the program does a technique called web scraping

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Discord Bots

This is a Python project

I made an object oriented modular Discord.py bot template which can be used to create your own bots

By using this modular system you can add and remove functionalities by only dragging files in a folder, the bots can be connected to Twitch, Reddit, send images or even trigger events depending on the day and hour

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Twitch API

This is a Python project

When I started programming I wanted a Twitch API library and I couldn't find one, now that I have more experience I'm trying to make my own one

Using the official Twitch REST API and the Python library Requests I create functions that are easy to use and returns the Twitch API response in a Python dictionary

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SQL Injection Simulator

This is a Python project

I wanted to see how easy is to access an unsecured SQL database for the client

The UI has a small SQL database that stores every username and password, you can test different SQL injections to gain access to the admin user or modify the database, this is a real life problem where databases are not secured enough


Graphic Design

Jayex Designs Brand

This is a Graphic Design project

I decided to make my public internet profile a brand called Jayex Designs

This project involved the design of the logo, the animations, the mock-ups, overlays, banners and more


Steelseries Headband Contest

This is a Graphic Design project

I'm one of the three winners of the Steelseries Headband Design Contest

In 2017 Steelseries made a contest where you had to make the design of their popular headset Arctis 5's headband, my design turned out to be one of the winners, as a reward they sent me the headset with my own headband design on it

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Espai Kairos

This is a Graphic Design project

I've made different designs for this brand

Some of them can be seen on the official website

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Video Editing

Ethieen Animations

This is a Video Editing project

Ethieen had some emotes that I thought could have some animation

After doing the animation she said she liked them so she added them to the follow and bits alert of her twitch channel


Audio Visualizers

This is a Video Editing project

I've always liked audio visualizers and for some time I only did this kind of projects

Since After Effects natively doesn't allow doing complex audio things I used Red Giant's plugins

About Me

I'm years old, my real name is Joaquín Tourón and I mainly dedicate myself to full stack programming, I also do data science projects, scripting, artificial intelligence...

Outside of programming I also dedicate myself to graphic design, video editing and photography.

I am completely self-taught and practically everything I have learned has been through my own research and projects that I have decided to do myself.

I have completed primary and secondary education, I am currently studying at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Previously, I have worked at CIMNE during a training stay where I was in charge of creating the website for an internal project and I learned how a team of programmers works internally.

I have also made several designs for Espai Kairos, cards, posters, web design...

These are my programming skills:

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Look at my resume


I also have a considerable amount of certificates that I earned after completing programming courses


You can find me on the following social media:

Github LinkedIn Twitter Discord Instagram Twitch Youtube Reddit

Or you can contact me by email:
